Privacy Statement

When you visit the AIA Healthiest School website or enter a promotion on this site (“Platform”), your personal data is collected on behalf of AIA Company Limited and its subsidiaries including PT AIA FINANCIAL(“AIA”, “we”, “us” or “our”).

This Privacy Statement provides information to users about how and why your personal data is collected and/or obtained through our service providers to users and/or users provide it to us, how it is intended to be used, to whom personal data users can be transferred or redirected, how to access, review and change user personal data, and our policies on direct marketing and use of cookies. This Privacy Statement applies to all Platform users, unless separately regulated. We encourage users to read, understand and agree to this Privacy Statement before accessing and/or using the Platform.

AIA recognises its responsibilities in relation to the processing of personal data. The provision of your personal data is voluntary.You may choose not to provide us with the requested data, however if you do not wish to share your personal data with us,it may inhibit our ability to provide you with information and services or to respond to your enquiries and you will not be able to create a user account for the Platform or participate in any promotions herein. 

AIA collects your personal data when you register for a user account on this Platform, when you contact us via this Platform, when you submit an entry for any promotion operated via this Platform and indirectly when you visit this Platform. Your personal information may be submitted to us by a third party on your behalf, such as your employer or school, and in some cases we may obtain personal information about you (such as your name, role and contact details) from third party suppliers, purchased contact lists and/or publicly available sources.

The personal data we collect includes the following:

  • identity information – name, work contact details (including email address, postal address and telephone number(s)) and details of your employer and role; and
  • technical information – such as IP address, browser type and version, time zone settings, browser plugin types, operating systems and platform, device information (including where mobile device the IMEI number, wireless networks and general network information).

Personal data is collected and used for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with access to the content on the website;
  • to process and administer your user account and your participation in AIA Healthiest Schools programme;
  • new (or enhance existing) products, information and services, including enhancements to the AIA Healthiest Schools programme;
  • to communicate with you, including, where you have consented to receive marketing communications from us, for direct marketing purposes;
  • for data analytics, data matching, internal business and administrative purposes, provided that we will only use anonymised and aggregated data for this purpose;
  • to assess your entry for any promotions you may participate in via the website, and contact you regarding the outcome of such promotions;
  • to monitor your use of the website and conduct analysis in order to operate, evaluate and improve the website and our services, understand your preferences and troubleshoot any problems;
  • to assist in law enforcement purposes or as otherwise required by law; and
  • other purposes directly relating to any of the above.

We may disclose your personal information to third parties in connection with the purposes above. In particular, your personal data may be shared with:

  • third party service providers who assist us with the operation of any aspect of this Platform and/or any promotion, including hosting service providers; and

  • any member company of AIA Group Limited.

Your information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in other jurisdictions where any subsidiary of the AIA Company Limited is located, or jurisdictions where a third-party contractor is located or from which a third-party contractor provides us services, including from countries such as Hong Kong and the United Kingdom and we will comply with all applicable legal requirements regarding such transfer. 

Personal data that we receive from other sources can be used for the purpose of combining information we receive from other sources with information that users provide and information that we collect. We may use this information or the combined information for the purposes set out above.

AIA’s general Privacy Statement, available here, provides more information about how you may exercise your rights under applicable data protection laws, including if you wish to request access to or correction of your personal data, and outlines how you may submit privacy-related complaints.

This Platform is for general information purposes only. Although we use reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information on this Platform, AIA does not guarantee its absolute accuracy or accept any responsibility for loss or damage resulting from inaccuracies or omissions. Without prior permission from AIA, no information contained on this Platform may be copied, except for personal use, or redistributed.

You may contact us in relation to any of the matters described within this Privacy Statement as follows:

Mohamad Rizki Wardani 
+6221 5421 8888 
[email protected] 
If there is any ambiguity or inconsistency between the English and local language versions of this Privacy Statement, the English version will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.